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Food, Eating and Nutrition: A Multidisciplinary Approach

New Trends in Myofunctional Therapy: Occlusion, Muscles and Posture, 2nd Edition

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder Matrix Poster

Intro Course Manual (Printed with Tabs) Exclusively for AOMT Students

FAQ in the Area of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional Therapy Kit
A complete myofunctional therapy kit containing all the tools you will need to treat your patient for one year of therapy.
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Every product inside our store has been used in our clinics and prescribed for our myofunctional patients. We carry these because they work. One of our newest products, the Froggymouth, is a passive device used to correct atypical swallowing.
If you ever have any questions or inquiries about any of the products listed in our store, please reach out and we would be happy to set up a call personally with you. We are dedicated to finding solutions to help patients with OMDs--and by extension--helping you serve your clients.
FAQ in the Area of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Food, Eating and Nutrition: A Multidisciplinary Approach
The first aim of the book Food, Eating and Nutrition: A multidisciplinary approach was to explore the common ground between all the professionals working within or around the area of the mouth and on the mechanics of eating food such as dentists, speech pathologists, lactation consultants or otolaryngologists.
However, this project, over time, thanks to the contributions of many specialists, has come to include the impact of food on the whole body by focusing on functions, organs and on how eating keeps us in health or in disease.
The authors also covered the topic of social, cultural, and geographical influence on nutrition. Consisting of 38 chapters divided into six sections, the book covers not only topics such as chewing, malocclusion, obesity and diabetes but also the impact of food on kidneys, eyes, and the cardiovascular system, just to name a few.
The authors explored the impact of eating and nutrition on the human body from birth to old age, from our social mores to religious rites, and even from eating in microgravity to the impact of eating on professional scuba divers.
This book supports the work of a wide variety of professionals as it allows a multidisciplinary awareness of how these topics are examined and managed differently but in a complementary fashion. In the end, it may also be useful to parents and teachers as well since they are on the forefront of prevention of diseases and promotion of wellbeing, one forkful at the time.
Learn Myofunctional Therapy
Watch a short video about the learning myofunctional therapy with the AOMT.