


The Froggymouth can only be sold to clinicians.

 Please email:  for more information.

We are proud to be a U.S. Distributor for the Froggymouth!

**Please note: This is a special Introductory Price**

To contact us directly to learn more, with how to use this and incorporate into therapy.

The Froggymouth Device is a passive myofunctional therapy tool to improve swallow function. Tongue thrusters will learn to elevate the tongue into the palate in order to swallow, based on neurologic adaptability that creates a new functional pattern. We have found this incredibly helpful with our patients, especially when used in conjunction with Myofunctional Therapy. 

To contact us directly to learn more, with how to use this and incorporate into therapy.

* When you order 8 or more at the same time, there is a 10% discount for each unit * Please reach out for this option to prepare a curated order of sizes requested. 

Which size for my Froggymouth?
The choice of the size of your Froggymouth has an influence on the efficiency of the treatment.

The Froggymouth must be chosen by taking into account some information:

– Horizontally, it must be just a bit smaller than the distance between the corner of the lips.

Froggymouth must be horizontally a bit smaller than the distance between the size of the mouth in order not to stretch the corner of the lips.

Technical explanation:
The choice of a smaller size allows not to stretch the corner of the lips which would cause a non-physiological proprioception. The aim of the Froggymouth is to inhibit the motor and sensitive action of the facial nerve which stimulates the lips. See more about the Froggymouth concept here.

– Vertically there are no constraints

Please look at the size chart here:

The vertical gap of the Froggymouth does not differ depending on the size of the appliance. The gap corresponds with the physiological opening of the mouth and does not allow the patient to create a lip seal which is the first step of the sucking swallowing sequence.

Click Here to Download Protocol for Using Froggymouth
Click Here to Download Swallowing Rehabilitation in 15 Minutes a Day